Keresley Grange Primary Consultation on Admissions Arrangements

NEWS / 3 Dec 2024

Consultation on Admissions Policy for 2026/27

We are writing to notify you of the consultation regarding Keresley Grange’s Admissions Policy for
2026/27. The consultation period will run for six weeks and will take place from Monday 2nd
December 2024 until Monday 13th January 2025. During this time, parents and other stakeholders
are invited to express their views and any concerns about the admission arrangements at Keresley

In accordance with the DfE’s 2021 statutory School Admissions Code guidance, as a school we must
consult on our admission arrangements when changes are proposed, and at least once every 7

The following amendments to our admission arrangements are proposed:
 Clarity provided around applications outside of normal age group
 Additional explanation about the process for deferred entry into school

There are also some minor definition and statements for clarification. These do not make any
specific changes to arrangements.

The proposed policy will be published, in full, on the school’s website (
The school will also consult via the school’s newsletter, local primary schools, and Coventry Local
Authority. During this time, the Governing Committee welcomes comments on the proposed policy,
all of which will be carefully considered prior to the final submission of the policy. If you require a
hard copy of the proposed policy, please contact the school office.

Anyone wishing to respond to the consultation should contact the school by Monday 13th January
2025 in writing, with ADMISSIONS POLICY CONSULTATION clearly stated as the subject / on the
envelope to:

Keresley Grange Primary School
Waste Lane

If you have any questions or require any further information, please don’t hesitate to contact the